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April 10, 2023 | Blogs

How carbon dioxide affects the growth and development of potato plants

Prior to the start of the industrial era, the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air was 280 parts per million, ppm. In the 1970s the concentration was 320 ppm and in 2015 it surpassed 400 ppm (or 0.04 percent).

April 03, 2023 | Blogs

The effect of solar radiation on dry matter accumulation in potatoes

The objective of growing potato is intercepting solar radiation as much as possible during the cycle from planting until crop end (foliage death). Radiation does not affect development through partitioning of dry matter, but affects the accumulation of crop dry matter, crop growth.

February 13, 2023 | Blogs

Uncertainties and variability when growing potatoes

Growing a potato crop, unlike producing an item in a factory, is surrounded by uncertainties. When a field needs to be planted in spring or autumn, the exact date cannot be predicted with certainty.

February 06, 2023 | Blogs

Tactical and operational decisions upon growing potatoes

Once decided to grow potatoes in the next season, a series of tactical decisions are taken by the grower before the crop is planted. The variety is chosen, the seed size, seed rate and planting pattern and the certification level of the seed bought or the use of farm saved seed.

January 30, 2023 | Blogs

Diseases occurring in the potato storage

Diseases that occasionally lead to considerable losses during storage include soft rot (Pectobacterium spp.), dry rot (Fusarium spp.), silver scurf (Helminthosporium), late blight (Phytophtora infestans), leak (Pythium) and pink rot (Phytophthora erythroseptica).

December 27, 2022 | Blogs

Weight loss in the potato storage

Potato tubers lose weight while being stored. The main contribution is loss of water through the skin by evaporation.

December 20, 2022 | Blogs

The need to ventilate and cool in potato storages

Plants grow because they capture carbon dioxide with the aid of energy from solar radiation. Photosynthesis generates sugars that upon respiration produce the energy needed for the biochemical processes associated with growth.

December 13, 2022 | Blogs

Requirements for storing potato tubers

Potatoes are harvested at peak times throughout the year. In temperate climates in early autumn and in subtropical winter climates the crop is harvested in early spring. In Mediterranean climates, there is one harvest late spring and one late autumn, two harvests per year associated with suitable temperature regimes. This is similar to the tropical…

September 26, 2022 | Blogs

External tuber disorders: Malformed tubers

Malformed tubers take many shapes. The deformed or misshapen tubers may be knobby, doll-like, have bottle necks like dumbbells and have a spiked rose end (pear shaped).

September 19, 2022 | Blogs

External tuber disorders: Skinning

When tubers mature before they are harvested the skin sets. Before the skin is set the thin epidermis can easily be removed through abrasion or attrition.

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