Potatoworld Magazine
Together with his son Christoph (25), Heinz Stammen (60) grows 170 hectares of table potatoes in the German town of Geldern in Niederrein (Germany). They start each new growing season with early potatoes under plastic. The yield of the later main harvest is put into storage until the end of May. To improve storage, the business invested in a new storĀage facility with a pressurised suction system for ventilation in 2010, which has a capacity of 3,000 tons of potatoes. In addition, they had a storehouse constructed for the storage of 3,500 tons of bulk with above-ground ventilation, which increased the total storage capacity of the business to over 10,000 tons. ‘As a result of this investment, we can market good quality table potatoes throughout the year’, Stammen told us.
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