Potatoworld Magazine
To promote Portuguese potatoes worldwide, the Portuguese Potato Association (Porbatata) has created a new ambassador: Miss Tata.
According to the association, this new collective brand for promoting Portuguese potatoes in the domestic and international marketplace, is the Portuguese potato segment’s first unitedly created collective image, investing in differentiation and quality. ‘As the proud ambassador of Portuguese potatoes worldwide, the versatile, dynamic, colorful, and cheerful Miss Tata reflects qualities that lead to a nutritious and balanced diet’, a press release states.
Porbatata presented Miss Tata on November 24th, through a live broadcast on Facebook. Present that day were, amongst others, the Portuguese Secretary of State for Trade, Services and Consumer Rights and the Secretary of State for Agriculture and Rural Development, the Secretary-General of Europatat and the president of Porbatata. As the active voice in the sector, the association founded in 2016 brings together seed potatoes, production, marketing and sales, and the industry. With over fifty members, it represents more than half of the potato producers in Portugal, promoting Portuguese potatoes as a healthy and distinctive food.
The countries considered to be strategic markets aimed at with Miss Tata are France, Germany, Spain, the Netherlands, the United Arab Emirates and Angola. In 2019, Portuguese potato exports amounted to 28.5 million euros, with main destination markets being Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Cape Verde, France, Belgium, and Luxembourg. The total acreage of land used for growing potatoes in Portugal amounts to 22 thousand hectares, with an average annual production close to 500 thousand tons. Potatoes are produced throughout the whole country, especially in the areas Entre Douro e Minho, Trás-os-Montes, Beira Interior, Beira Litoral, Oeste, Ribatejo, Península de Setúbal e Costa Alentejana.
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