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PotatoEurope returns to France after eight years

August 19, 2024

After eight years, PotatoEurope returns to Villers-Saint-Christophe, France, in the heart of the important Picardy growing region, halfway between Lille and Paris. On 11 and 12 September, the live demonstrations, the participation of four hundred exhibitors and a major innovation square are important ingredients. For many years in a row, PotatoEurope has attracted visitors from all over the world who are active in the entire potato industry.

The international trade fair PotatoEurope – organised this year by the agricultural research institute ARVALIS and with the support of the entire French potato sector – has become an important business meeting for potato professionals from all over the world. The event gives an idea of the latest developments in the potato sector and takes place alternately in the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany and this year France. This edition there will be dynamic practical demonstrations with the latest machines, a complete international trading village has been set up, organized by the potato organization Fedepom and the organization offers an overview of the latest technical innovations in potato production.

The Dutch Potato Organisation (NAO), together with the Dutch embassy in Paris, will organise an international knowledge event at the end of the first day of the fair.

International meeting

France is a major player in Western European potato production. As a major exporter of storage potatoes and very active in the export of seed potatoes, the French exhibitors and their foreign relations will present their latest products and visions on the market in the ‘Village du commerce’.

More than 40 hectares of demonstrations

In the centre of the event will be an irrigated plot of 22 hectares where potatoes from the Daisy French fries potato variety from trading house Germicopa have been planted. During the practical harvesting demonstration on this plot, interested parties can compare the machines and make their choice for a future investment. The harvest demonstrations are divided into three groups, so visitors can focus their attention on their own area of interest. On this site, a total of thirteen potato harvesters from the brands AVR, Dewulf, Grimme, Pouchain, Ropa and newcomer Agripoppe will harvest the French fries potatoes at a practical event. To give visitors more insight into the technology of these harvesters, the organization has divided these machines into three groups. The first group includes three- and four-row self-propelled machines. A second group includes two-row trailed bunker harvesters and the third group will include more diverse models such as two-row elevator and bunker harvesters, trailed or self-propelled. The timetable for these demonstrations will be published on the event’s website in early September. The more than 1,000 tonnes of harvested potatoes will then leave the site for McCain’s French fries factory, via five unloading lines of the brands AVR, Dewulf, Downs, Eurodirect and Grimme. In addition to harvesting and removal via the modern unloading lines, a practical demonstration will take place in France with three electronic sorting machines. This year, Hexa-Pac, Raytec Vision and Visar Sorting will cross swords with each other to show visitors the added value of this technology.

Five key themes

During PotatoEurope there will be a practical demonstration with three electronic sorting machines.

In order to provide visitors with in-depth information, the organisation has chosen five key themes on the basis of which the results of case studies are presented. The themes are: agronomy and fertility, genetic resources and variety innovation, crop protection, storage and digital decision support tools. The demos on agronomy and fertility will focus on three innovations. These are water: saving water, while growers adapt to the climate, improving the structure of the soil and optimizing fertilization. In the field of genetic resources and variety innovations, the organization shows new, promising varieties for the future. In the field of crop protection, the focus is on combining techniques for weeding and haulm killing of potatoes. Here, six machines from the brands Agronomic, Eurodirect, Grimme, Nucrop, Ropa and Vegniek will demonstrate mechanical haulm killing. The second part is recognizing and controlling potato diseases and ways to reduce the use of crop protection products. Looking at potato storage, the organisation sees that the storage of potatoes is becoming increasingly complex. That is why information will be available at the event on a combination of strategies, in order to gain more specialized expertise to be able to deliver high-quality potatoes. The last part is digital tools and decision support services. There are more and more new digital tools available that help growers make better decisions. During PotatoEurope, a number of companies will demonstrate new tools. Various seminars are also planned in a special room. Here, the Dutch Potato Organisation (NAO), together with the Dutch embassy in Paris, will organise an international knowledge event at the end of the first day of the fair. In addition to the focus on new techniques in the cultivation of potatoes, the close cooperation between the Netherlands and France and the associated opportunities in the market will be explained.

Free admission

Admission to the event is free, but registration is required. The organization therefore advises visitors to download a visitor’s badge free of charge prior to the visit.


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