May 29, 2024 | News
30-th of May is International day of Potato
Today is an important day for the potato sector worldwide. On May 30 of this year, the first International Day of Potato will take place. In 2018, the World Potato Congress took the initiative for an International Day of Potato. Together with Peru and a number of other countries, this initiative for an annual potato…
June 20, 2023 | Articles
2022 saw potato trade records smashed
Potato trade broke new volume and value records in 2022 as demand came roaring back as the pandemic subsided, unique analysis from World Potato Markets shows. The value of exports of potato products, fresh ware potatoes and seed potatoes leapt by 34.2% to €18.366 billion, which was €3.636 billion or 20% more than the pre-pandemic…
March 31, 2023 | News
Dutch companies envision more sustainable Indian potato value chains
In a recent news release, the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality reports that (Indo-)Dutch companies believe they can help establish more sustainable value chains for potato farmers who are struggling to get remunerative prices in certain regions of India.
March 21, 2023 | Articles
2021 record production unlikely to be beaten in 2022
The world produced a record 376.1 million tonnes of potatoes in 2021, new figures from the UN FAO suggest. However, a smaller area and weather issues in key potato-growing countries may have seen that figure fall by nearly six per cent to 354.3 million tonnes in 2022, World Potato Markets calculations estimate. Please note that…
March 09, 2023 | News
Potato supply chain contributes over 100 billion dollar to U.S. economy
The total economic contribution of the U.S. potato sector in 2021 is estimated to be 100.9 billion dollar, of which farm production alone accounts for 10.8 billion dollar. This is one of the main conclusions from an analysis carried out by economists and researchers at Michigan State University, marking the first time any organization has…
January 27, 2023 | News
American study shows that diners will pay more for meals that include potatoes
A recent study of 1,500 consumers who eat out at restaurants identified habits and opinions of restaurant patrons related to potatoes. The study uncovered potato dishes consumers love to order when eating out, potato dishes they choose to swap in place of other options presented to them, and their overall expectations regarding potatoes at restaurants.
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