December 16, 2015 | Articles
New Erwinia variants require more knowledge and specific tests
For quite some time now, we’ve known two types of Erwinia bacteria, namely Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica and Erwinia chrysanthemi. They are/were responsible for the Black leg and Stem wet rot potato diseases. However, the names of these pathogenic bacteria have been changed. Furthermore, Erwinia variants that didn’t exist or hardly existed before have crept…
March 11, 2015 | Articles
Possibility of detecting Erwinia in seed potatoes increased
Within the Erwinia Delta Plan, a method has been developed that can reveal the presence of the Erwinias, Pectobacterium, and Dickeya in seed potatoes with more certainty. The improved method uses waste tubers that are removed from the grader and a test which examines the entire tuber.
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