February 10, 2022 | News
Dutch Potato Processors Association VAVI appoints new director
The Dutch Association of Potato Processors (VAVI) appointed Andries Middag as its new director.
February 26, 2021 | Articles
PotatoEurope 2021 Innovation Award professional jury members announced
Organiser DLG Benelux has announced the members of the professional jury of the PotatoEurope 2021 innovation award. This event will take place on September 1 and 2 2021. The winners of this special prize will be revealed on the first day of the event, which will be held at the location of Wageningen University & Research…
December 07, 2020 | News
Christophe Vermeulen new CEO of Belgapom starting January 2021
The Board of Directors of Belgapom announced on December 3rd to have unanimously chosen Christophe Vermeulen as the successor to Romain Cools as the CEO of Belgapom.
November 25, 2020 | Articles
Berta Redondo Benito new Europatat Secretary
As of 1 September, Berta Redondo Benito is the Secretary of the European lobby organisation Europatat. As successor to Raquel Izquierdo de Santiago, she will promote the interests of the European potato trade.
October 16, 2019 | Articles
Jan van Loon (76) obtains a doctorate on historiography about Dutch potato breeding
A potato breeder who obtains a doctorate at Wageningen University at the age of 76. That’s what Jan van Loon, now with the titles ‘dr. ir.’ [doctor engineer], achieved on 15 May after defending his thesis ‘Through United Cooperation – The history of potato breeding in the Netherlands, from hobby to industry, 1888 – 2018’.
February 27, 2019 | Articles
Christoph Grimme: ‘50 percent of the world’s potato cropping areas are not yet mechanised, so that’s where our growth opportunity lies’
With Christoph Grimme (30), a new and predominantly digital wind is clearly blowing through the more than 150-year-old family group from the rural village of Damme (G). ‘The time of big, bigger, biggest is over, above all, it now has to be smarter’, he says in no uncertain terms. But robotisation of the potato harvest?…
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