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June 03, 2020 | Articles

A lot of unrest in the world

The global corona crisis is causing a lot of unrest and major concerns in society this year. Like many companies, we as the Potato World Team – at the time of writing fortunately all well and healthy – have quickly learned to work with digital techniques such as video calling in order to be able…

March 11, 2020 | Articles

Don’t forget to look beyond your own world!

Looking back on my two years in the seed potato sector, with considerable experience in related sectors such as crop protection and fertilisers, I’ve noticed that the potato sector is rather self-contained and inward looking. You can view this in different ways.

March 11, 2020 | Articles

A year of changes

A greenhouse full of jars with a potential new potato variety in each jar, it’s always an impressive sight. But from such a full greenhouse, only one will probably break through in ten to fifteen years’ time.

November 20, 2019 | Articles


In 2016 I wrote a column in which I tried to answer questions about how healthy potatoes were as a staple food. In this column the effect on high blood sugar levels and a high glycemic index was seen as a negative effect of potato consumption especially when eaten as mashed potatoes. There was no…

November 20, 2019 | Articles

Cost-driven thinking

Since the Second World War, arable farmers in Europe have focused on producing the cheapest possible food. Thanks to the optimal cooperation between research, education and information, potato yields have increased and the cost price has fallen.

October 16, 2019 | Articles

Demonstration experiments

The potato event season has started in Europe. Every autumn events like Potato Europe, the Polish potato days are taking place and companies show their potato fields and the results of this season. Most of these events do have demonstration trials or demo’s. In these trials new methods, crop protection products, varieties and fertilizers are…

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